My Vision

My vision is to create a healthier world...One person at a time!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Make Your Dreams A Reality

I was told recently that the best way to make your dreams a reality is to have a circle of friends to hold you accountable and who push you
to achieve. So I'm putting myself out there and posting my dream board.
My definition of a dream is something that I truly want that is enveloped by my heart, something I believe in. For the longest time I would dream of great things for my life and my family, but would only believe in it's possibility when I saw that there was concrete proof that it would be likely to happen. The thing is that proof will never happen with me just sitting around wishing it to come true. When my dream matters to me and I believe in my passion and my ability, this is when I will find success. I have to put a verb in my sentence and start the driver of my future not the back seat rider. I have to show myself and others that I truly believe I am capable of anything! My biggest challenge is on the days when reaching my dreams seems so distant and a impossibility to grab hold of. This is where I will call on my friends to hold me accountable to stay on this path of clarity. By posting my heart on a board, I am asking to form a circle of dream accountability friends. Anyone want to join me?
Believe in yourself, create your own dreams, take risks and make your dreams happen. The only thing we have to lose is OUR dream!! I believe in believe in yourself!


Hi everyone!  My name is Cassie Bush.  I am a proud 43 year old momma of 4 amazing children, Brendan-18, Ashleigh-17, Jacob-13 and William-12.  I can't believe it, but a month ago I sent my eldest child off to college!  Time goes by so quickly!

My blog is being set up to inspire, motivate and support a healthy way of living.  I will be sharing my personal journey, successes and failures.  As well as, helpful tips, recipes and inspiration.

A little back history on how my journey began.  I had my first child when I was 23 years say the least that was many years ago.  Three more children came within the next several years.  I spent my life devoting every hour, minute and second to my children.  My identity had become solely mom.  There were many times throughout those years that I yearned to do something for myself, become healthy and fit.  This never seemed to pan out as it required time, time I felt guilty taking away from my children.

In 2012, with my children being older and more independent, I really began thinking about my life, and health.  It became evident that if I truly wanted to be present for my kids, I needed to make life changing choices.  My family is riddled with numerous health issues and complications to include, heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes to name a few.  Being overweight really sealed my fate with any of these complications.  In that moment of realizing my own mortality, I decided it was time to make the change and take control of my life, my future.

At that time, I wasn't educated in the nutrition and fitness world, so the internet became my best friend.  I began searching top at home fitness programs.  This is where I met my life saving, Shaun T and his fitness program, Insanity.  This man has a wonderful way of motivating and inspiring the push!  It is through this program that I dropped 40 pounds and my love of health and fitness began.  I started getting educated, filling my head with all the knowledge that was available, so that I could pay forward my life saving journey!

Now in 2014, I am the healthiest version of myself and am educated both in fitness and nutrition, but still longed for a platform that I could share my journey.  In August 2014, after responding to a health and fitness post on Facebook, a friend approached me about becoming a member of her team with Beachbody as a health and fitness coach/consultant.  I will be forever grateful to her for believing in me and my ability to inspire and change lives.  Beachbody has given me the platform I have so desired.  I now am spending my days changing lives!  I am blessed to be able to be a part of someone's life changing journey.  I can't begin to tell you how rewarding that is!!

My journey has come full circle.  In a million years, I would have never thought that 3 1/2 years after starting my journey with Insanity, that I would be a health and fitness coach with that very company! Life is full of surprises, twists and turns, ups and downs, but the goal is to go with the flow, take control of your life and create the future you long for!!!