My Vision

My vision is to create a healthier world...One person at a time!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Insanity Max 30 - Week 2 Recap

This is my recap of my 2 week of Insanity Max 30.  It was a mentally challenging week, but I made it through.  I am seeing so much growth mentally; I feel mentally stronger and capable! I feel so blessed to have found Beachbody!  It truly has changed my life!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

There's Power in Numbers!!

I'm looking for individuals, men and women, to join me hand in hand, to create a chain of strength, compassion and inspiration. There is power in numbers! If we join together, we can share our love of health and fitness with everyone around us. Let's give families the tools to live healthier lives. Let's give them the tools to pass down to their children so they are armed with the knowledge as they grow to make the healthiest choices. Let's one person at a time put an end to the obesity epidemic in our country.

If you have a love and passion for helping others and have a desire to start paying it forward, message me!!!!

Please like, comment and share!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

This is the most nutrient dense super food. Resilience is what happens when you feed the miracle of our bodies biology the nutrition it needs! Feed your body something that is high octane healthy....THAT IS SHAKEOLOGY!!! Message me for more details

Monday, March 9, 2015

I Need You!!!!

Everything is so much better and rewarding when it's done with someone else!  I need your help!  I invite you to join me on my health and fitness journey and support and hold me accountable and I will do the same for you! No more excuses! LET'S DO THIS THING!!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Insanity Max 30 - Week 1 Recap

It's not about the fight, it's about experiencing and embracing every moment of your journey! 

Spread Your Wings and Fly!

I've been up since 4 working on my PD. Here is a poem from the book, The Power of Intentions by Dr. Wayne Dyer, that really resonated with me this morning. We are all born with greatness and the ability to soar. We just need to spread our wings and fly.

Happy Friday friends! Use your wings and fly today!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Insanity Max 30 - AMAZING!!!

I started my journey with Insanity Max 30 on Monday.  I went into this program knowing that it was going to be challenging both physically and mentally, which scared me a little bit.

 I started my journey to health about 4 years ago with Shaun T and Insanity.  He saved my life!!!  I fell in love with him and his ability to motivate me in a way no other has.  I lost over 40 pounds! Over those 4 years, I have completed his programs a few times, also dipping my toes into the world of Tony Horton, with P90X.  I always seem to come back to Insanity.  When I found out that Shaun T was putting out his new program, Insanity Max 30, I was so excited!  I have always thought that I was a pretty fit lady, but Shaun T checked that notion at the door!

I have one more day left in my first week of Max 30 and let me tell you this has been the most intense week of my life.  I had to push myself, mentally and physically, beyond my comfort zone!  I can already feel my body changing, especially mentally!  This program is my soul mate!

If you are looking for a program that will give you results in only 30 minutes a day, and you are prepared to challenge yourself and work harder than you thought possible, this is definitely a program you should try.

If you want more information on this program, please message me.  Follow me on or

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Stepping Toward Success!

After going through a rough few years in my life, I have finally found self-worth and voice within my health and fitness business.  The video below is a small window into my struggles and moments of clarity that have led me to this very day!  I am a Beachbody coach and my passion is to share my journey in hopes of inspiring others to begin theirs.  My children are always my motivation.  I work hard so that I can put food on the table.  I know there are families out there that are struggling to make ends meet, struggling to figure out how they are going to buy that gallon of milk, I've been there. Let me help you become your answer, your own miracle and create the life you have always dreamed of. My goal is to help other individuals and families to avoid my hardships.  I want to help you put your next meal on the table.  Please message me for more information.  You can follow me on or  Don't be afraid to reach out!