My Vision

My vision is to create a healthier world...One person at a time!

Monday, April 13, 2015

My Transformation

My health and fitness journey began about 4 years ago. I woke up one day and decided that I was tired of the way I was feeling emotionally, mentally and physically.  I decided that I was worth fighting for and that my children deserved to have a complete mommy who would be around to see them grow.

I didn't grow up in a household that valued health and nutrition, so this journey that I was about to embark on I was flying by the seat of my pants. The internet became my best friend!  I researched for hours the best at home fitness programs.  I decided on a in home program for a couple of reasons: 1) I couldn't afford to pay a monthly gym membership fee, 2) I was embarrassed how I had left myself go and worried about being judged and 3) I felt selfish leaving my kids to go and give myself time at the gym.  My internet search led me to Beachbody namely Insanity.  I must have watched a million YouTube videos about this program, its intensity and its results. Through much apprehension, I ordered the program.  I was so excited! I checked the mail EVERYDAY waiting impatiently for my special package!

After a week it finally arrived!  I held the box in my hand like it was Christmas Day! As I opened the box my anxiety began to overwhelm me...I was excited, but also so scared, scared of failing, scared of not being able to complete the program. I read through all the material numerous times and jumped in feet first the very next day! It wasn't any great surprise that Shaun T kicked my butt!  I took more breaks than I actually did working out to my max!  I was drenched in sweat, laid out on the floor, worrying how in the world I would pull myself together to do this all over again tomorrow!

Tomorrow came and I reluctantly pushed play!  As the days and weeks went on, I found more confidence!  I also found I was taking less breaks and able to do more of the workout!  This was so exciting to me!  After my first month, I found myself so frustrated!  I had worked so hard, but no results. I started to do research in an effort to see if anyone else was having this problem.  Sure enough, I found that while I was taking care of myself in the fitness department, I was lacking in the nutrition department.  I didn't realize that becoming fit and healthy was 80% nutrition and 20% fitness.  This knowledge jump started my love for nutrition and eating clean. I quickly threw out the junk and started fueling my body with high octane fuel!

My second month of Insanity came quickly to an end.  I felt so sad!  Shaun T had become such a huge part of my daily life and I wondered what I would do without his motivation. Results were body was changing and this fueled my fire!!! Over the next couple of years my life was all Shaun T...Asylum 1 and 2 back to Insanity!  Shaun T changed my life from the inside out!

A dear friend a few months ago, August 7, 2014, offered me an opportunity of a life time.  She invited me to be a part of her health and fitness team as a coach!  I was a little unsure at first...would I be able to reach people, what would people think of me...the normal self doubt conversation that I had become to good at having with myself.  Needless to say I accepted the offer!  How exciting that my health and fitness journey had come full circle...what started my transformation, Insanity and Shaun T, I was now a part of that very company sharing my journey!

This opportunity has been the biggest blessing of my life!  I get to spend my days sharing my story and helping others!  There is nothing more rewarding than paying forward what I have learned along the way!  Helping to change someones life, mind, body and soul is AMAZING!! I get to get fit and healthy while paying it forward!  Life is so good!

My health journey still continues...I am fully submersed in Insanity Max 30...the results are amazing!  Shaun T and his programs are my soul mate workouts...I always go back to him!

If you have been contemplating jump starting your health and have no idea where to start, message me!  I would love to get to know you and help you the way Shaun T has helped me!

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