My Vision

My vision is to create a healthier world...One person at a time!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

What's your why?

If you are like most of us, we struggle to reach the goals we've set for ourselves.  This could be fitness, nutrition, personal development or work related.  I have learned that in order to achieve the goals I've set for myself, I have to first determine my why?  Why do I want to achieve these goals?  What is my motivation?

For me, my goal since 2012,  has been to live a healthy life, both in fitness and nutrition, and pay that passion and knowledge forward.  Why?  My most important reason and motivation, is my children.  I decided 3 1/2 years ago, that in order to be completely present for my children in mind, body and spirit, I was going to have to change the way I live and treat my body.  My children are what inspire me to push myself, live outside my comfortable box, on a daily basis.  When I feel like giving up, and I do have those days, I reflect on the affect my choice will have on my kids.

My second source of motivation and inspiration is YOU!  Touching other's lives, being a part of your journey is more rewarding than any paycheck I could receive!  I keep educating myself, filling my head with as much knowledge as possible, so that I can be all that YOU need!  I continue to push play on my DVD player and eat clean and healthy, so that I can be a physical and visual inspiration, that it can be done!  With hard work, determination and dedication, anything is possible!

Determining your why is so important!  Everyone needs some motivation to stay on course, and it has to be a powerful image! If you can't close your eyes and see with clarity your why, ask yourself the these questions:

1.  Where have you been most happy?
2. What were you doing?
3.When you close your eyes and see yourself happy, what do you see?
4. What makes you forget yourself, lose track of time for hours on end?
5. When do you feel best about yourself?
6. What do you talk with great excitement about?

Create a vision that moves you in a direction to things you've never done before and you'll find yourself in new, and wonderful places in your life!  When you have clarity on your why, your how, your purpose will be a lot easier and definitely more enjoyable!

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