My Vision

My vision is to create a healthier world...One person at a time!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Can money make dreams come true?

Can money make dreams come true?  Out curiosity, I wanted to find out if individuals thought that money would make their dreams come true or if their dreams were connected to a monetary gain. I posed this questions to my friends and received an array of opinions.  I was surprised at the results!

Based on my poll, I’d say about half concluded that yes money can make dreams come true.  In their opinion money would allow for financial freedom to contribute to charities, help family and provide the means to achieve said dream.  While on the opposite end of the spectrum, other’s claim that money could not make dreams come true.  This group concludes that you can’t wait around for money to achieve your dreams.  You have to use what God has provided you and make it happen.  They also say that following your dreams and taking the steps to make them come true will lead to financial gain, so money is like the icing on the cake. I can see both points of view!

It seems that people never get started on realizing their dreams because they are too busy and instead of listing how they can achieve their dreams they list ALL the reasons they cannot! Things like: I don’t have enough money. I’m lacking talent. I don’t have the knowledge or capacity. My past failures in the past are many. I have NO luck! Why would I think my dream could change or make an impact? Before they even begin, the flag is thrown in and they have defeated themselves! This is not what YOU deserve!

Dreaming and taking steps to achieve those dreams feels so good. With or without a financial gain selflessly giving of yourself to a cause that makes you feel warm and fuzzy, is a success and a dream achieved! Remember the dream you have for yourself exists to turn your life into a priceless painting that is a vision of joy, dedication and contribution. Living your life doing what you love on your own terms, what I call creating a Life By Design, is the best thing you could ever do for yourself!!

“To be able to get out of bed and do what you love for the rest of the day is beyond words.” –
John Schroeder

Your dream that is embedded and born deep in your heart would not exist if you were not given the power to make it come true! Your dream is uniquely yours and only you have the ability to bring it to fruition. If you thought about it, then you have the innate know how to achieve it! Instead of focusing on ALL the reasons you can’t make a list of all the reason you can!

“You’re never given a wish without also being give the power to make it true.  You may have to work for it, however.” Richard Bach

The individuals that make a difference in the world, who stop at nothing to live their dream, are those who believed whole heartedly in their dreams and proceeded until they manifested what is so deeply embedded in their hearts! The key to success is the ability to envision your dream and see it from your heart’s eye and how profoundly it can change and impact your life and the lives of those around you!  If you can envision it, you can CREATE it!! No money needed for dreaming!

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”Eleanor Rossevelt

Denying your dreams is such a disserve to yourself! You create the best possible life for yourself when you take steps daily toward your dreams. One day of focusing and pursuing the life you dream for yourself will not land you on the stars, maybe on the clouds.  Living a ‘life by design’ takes diligence, consistency and a daily desire to persevere! Everyday a step forward is a step closer to the life you dream for yourself and your family! Rocks, bumps, turns, mountains may fall in your way, but not allowing those obstacles to derail you, is where the work begins! If living out your dream and life by design was an easy road, EVERYONE would be in that blissful place.  Nothing amazing and great comes easy!

”I’m a dreamer. I have a dream and reach for the stars, and if I miss a star then I grab a handful of clouds.”Mike Tyson

You have a hunger and a strong desire to live a life you create on your own terms, nothing will feed that hunger more than pursuing your dreams! Every day that you take and create forward momentum will add meaning to your life and make all your hard work worthwhile.  The pursuit of happiness and dreams will give you a reason to wake feeling excited and enthusiastic!  At the end of the day, you will be able to lay your head on your pillow and say today I fed my hunger, I gave selflessly of myself and took the necessary steps to become one step closer to the life I dream of!

“If you take responsibility for yourself you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams.”Les Brown

If you dim the light, the love in your heart, your soul will begin to fade! Too many individuals are living, but very few are truly ALIVE! Most are just going through the motions doing only the bare minimum to get through the day.  This is usually out of fear, fear of failing, fear of not being able to achieve what to them seems like something so unattainable!  However, the only way to truly LIVE and be ALIVE in your life is to follow your dreams, follow what makes you truly happy! It may be scary, and yes, you may fail before you succeed, but the end destination will be worth the hard work and setbacks! Fight for your life!  Fight for your dreams!

“…when you cease to dream you cease to live.”Malcolm Forbes

Everyone who chooses to follow their dreams are pioneers, searching for new grounds to plant your seed. It is evitable as a pioneer that you will face criticism, judgment and be misunderstood, not because your dream is wrong, but because you have chosen to step outside the box and do something that many don’t have the courage to do! Unfortunately, most are not used to seeing others, dreamers, with the crazy notion that they can make their lives and the world a better place, actually pursue and take steps to make their dreams come true!  It’s a crazy idea that one person could ever make a difference or create a life by design, right?? Of course not!! Where there is a dream, their surely is a way! Fear must not be your driving force or excuse! YOU are worth your dream!  Be a dreamer even when those around you criticize your choice to do so! Most people have been given wings to fly, but will never know they can fly because they are too afraid to fall! Spread your wings, take the leap and soar!!

“A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.”Oscar Wilde

You are worth and deserving of big dreams.  You deserve to become remarkable! If you don’t leave your imprint in your life, in the lives around you and in the world, how will you ever be remembered? We were born to be great and not live small.  Our dreams give us the ability to be great and stop living small and insignificantly! That is not what we are destined to do! We are beautiful, complex beings created uniquely, with unique qualities that are intended to be shared, not stuffed away! We have the ability to dream because each of us have innately strong characters that strive to live big! Live big, bigger than those around you think is possible!  Show the nonbelievers that with hard work, dedication and a true desire to live a life by design, EVERYTHING is possible!

“Dreams are the touchstones of our character.”Henry David Thoreau

We are given the ability to dream because we have a strong desire to make a difference in our own lives and the lives of those around us! The lovely thing about dreams is YOU are your answer the puzzle.  Only YOU have the tools and power to create and live your dream! Because all of us armed with this ability, we owe it to ourselves, to use the God given tools!  Why would any of us settle for less when we have the power to create more? Each and every one of us have the ability to live life by design.  It is not biased! It is not just for the rich!  It is not just for those of power! Every last one of us have the passion and ability, we just need to tune into that fire, and feed it daily! Don’t limit yourself, dream big, and start making it happen!

“All our dreams come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”Walt Disney

If you have a passion, unleash that passion on the world, despite what others may think, say or do! YOU CAN DO IT! You DESERVE it! Recognize the beauty in your dreams and the brilliance of the legacy you will leave behind! BE A DREAMER!!!

The information in this blog is based on my personal opinion, the opinion of those I polled and information I gathered in light hearted research.  It is my opinion, in my life, I feel money cannot make dreams come true. In order for a dream to become your reality you have to be willing to give of yourself selflessly, without the expectation of anything in return. To love and have the ability to offer compassion, empathy and paying forward your God given talent and know how, is a dream achieved and life by design created! I am a true believer in what comes around goes around! If you can look at your life and can see the change and impact you've had in your personal life, the lives of those around you and in the world, you have reached the stars!  Financial gain, financial freedom will always follow a pure heart, a heart that leads with purposeful intention and that my friends is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! After working so hard to make a difference and create your life by design, you now will have the ability and means to take that dream outside the realm of your immediate circle of life!  You now will have the ability to pay forward your dream and reach and enrich the lives of other’s around the world! A dream and passion should be shared not kept inside for continued personal gain!

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