My Vision

My vision is to create a healthier world...One person at a time!

Friday, May 29, 2015

SIMPLE ways to stay on budget!

If you are like me, I have a pretty strict budget that I must adhere to.  This can sometimes be quite challenging especially when you have a large family and frankly more bills than I care to admit. I have been working on eliminating the monthly struggle and setting myself up for financial success, which means I have had to take a look at my weakness and habits.  Doing this has allowed me to create new habits that make me more mindful about my spending and shopping routines.

After taking a deeper look at what has worked for many others, I have created a list of a couple simple things I (we) can do to stay on budget.

1. Shop with a list

Shopping with a list is something that I have always done when grocery shopping, but never copied that habit when it came to shopping for household items, clothes for the kids, gas, etc. I know that it may seem like making a list for the smaller things is very insignificant, but what it does for me is makes me very aware of ALL the money I am spending. This allows me to prioritize what and when I make purchases so I can manage more efficiently my cash flow. Also making a list even for a convenience store trip will help to ward off the temptation to buy things you don't really need!

2. Use a budget app

This is something I NEVER did!  I eventually started doing this on my computer and it really helped!  The problem is it's on the computer and not readily available when you are out and about.  This led me to finding a budget app I could use on my smartphone as well, now I had no excuse for not knowing where my budget stood on a minute by minute basis. From anywhere this allows me to track my budget and goals and maintain an awareness of my spending in real time.

3. Record expenses daily

In the past I would wait until the end of the week or even month sometimes to log my expenses. It became a nightmare, trying to remember purchases, frantically searching for receipts!  At the end of every day I log all my expenses including small purchases like a pack of gum.  It's also important to ALWAYS ask for a receipt! That's documentation that is necessary to track your money. Doing this helps you to become aware of your daily spending habits, so that you can make positive changes.

4. Share

I found that sharing my financial goals with others, like a friend or family member, made me more inclined to be accountable for my spending. It's always easier do achieve a goal when you have someone on your side holding you accountable for your actions!  This also opens up a window to receiving advice or plan that has worked for them! Share regularly!

5. Only spend what you can see

Shopping with cash creates a visual of what's readily available to you! I know it seems crazy and a pain!  Before I go grocery shopping I go to the ATM and pull out what I need before I even enter the store.  If I don't I know I will come out with more than I intended to!  Just try this for a couple of weeks and see what a difference it makes in your awareness of your finances and budget!

6. Refurbish and recycle

I have become a jack of all trades and wear many hats within my household! Instead of constantly planning out my budget for new items or to replace items that are in relatively good condition, I try to fix or refurbish those items.  It sometimes can be as simple as adding a fresh coat of paint to a piece of furniture to give it new life or replacing a part in my dishwasher after watching a diy video on how to do so!  This not only helps the budget, but it also gives a new level of self confidence in doing things you never thought you could! Try to update your house without having to go out and buy new stuff.  It's incredibly rewarding!

7. Reward yourself without spending money

I use to treat myself to a purse or workout outfit when I would reach a goal.  This habit also spilled down to my children.  If they did well in school they were rewarded with some financial gain or item they've really wanted. Today I now try and reward myself and my family in ways that don't involve spending money. Spending an afternoon with my family at a local FREE event, trying a new recipe, enjoying a quiet bath with candles, or making time to spend with a friend or a loved one I haven't seen in awhile, is time soooo well spent! The reward is so much greater...the memories created last a lifetime! Try to make goal setting a positive experience!  This will reinforce new and better habits and get rid of the habits that have been holding you back!

I hope you found this helpful!

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