My Vision

My vision is to create a healthier world...One person at a time!

Monday, May 18, 2015

I am worth it!

(worth the read)

Rent paid- check
Electric Bill paid-will have to be late so I can pay for groceries
Gas-Yup $5 for a couple of gallons
Groceries-bare minimum

A true reality I am sure a lot of you can relate to, which happens to be my reality, sad but true!  After many devastating loses in my life, house fire, lose of employment, lose of my home, not having the means to feed my children, bankruptcy to name a few....this has become my reality!

When I envisioned my life as a young woman this is certainly not what I had in mind! Unfortunately, circumstances happen, life happens and it's hard and can be devastating to your family and to you mentally, emotionally and physically! I was not prepared at all for this life. I was not armed with the necessary tools to survive these hardships.  I shut down completely!  Guess where this landed me...further in the hole!  I couldn't see past the darkness.  I was only able to see that I had drowned, let my kids down and let myself down!  This was a very dark and small place to be! I thought for sure this was going to be my present and my future, there was nothing more!  I was destined to a life of poverty and hardship!  Woo is me!  This was my mentality.  I deserved to feel sorry for myself is what I kept telling myself!  I deserve to be angry at the world and God for dishing me way more than I could handle! I threw my hands up and said SCREW it, screw everyone and everything!!! This pity party went on for some time!

Then Beachbody came abruptly into my life!  It has been a saving grace for me especially mentally and emotionally! Health and fitness has been a passion of mine for forever, so this was amazing!!! However, at first I was thinking I won't be able to do this! Nothing I have to say, nothing I do is worthy of anyone's time or energy...NO ONE WILL CARE!!! I was scared, intimidated, frustrated, name it I was feeling it!  In the beginning I tried to learn about the business, I listened to my upline. I did my training but it ended there! Fear kept me from sharing my story and reaching out to pay it forward, remember YOU HAVE NOTHING OF WORTH TO OFFER, that had become my motto!!

Then one day I woke up and something had shifted.  I decided I was no LONGER going to be a victim of my circumstances!  I was NO LONGER going to let my past and current situation define who I was or who I wanted to be!  I began to really take to heart the words of very wise ladies and gentleman in my fit family.  I began to do daily personal development!  Boy, was that a scary process!  I learned things about myself that I truly didn't want to hear or see, but I forged forward! This personal development began to create a gateway for me, a gateway to possibilities, my possibilities! I began to see a NEW life for me and my family, a life that I could design and create on my own terms! It seemed far fetched but there was a glimmer of this could be possible! I gained a new found self confidence that I had never had before and I began to share that! This opened doors to some amazing relationships, both online and off!  I found that I have a family and amazing friends within my fit family that both support me and are there to catch me when I fall! I finally felt I had a cushion to land on!  Life wasn't so scary anymore!

Fast forward....while I am by no means anywhere close to being where I envision myself being, I have the pathway to get there!  A clear undeniable path that will lead me to my final destination!  My future is bright and clear and this is all thanks to Beachbody coming into my life!!!  It has SAVED me!!  My fit family have saved me!  And guess what I SAVED MYSELF!!! I finally see my worth and I fight daily for that and for my children!!!

THANK YOU TO MY BEACHBODY FAMILY for helping me see what I couldn't....THANK YOU for being the light in my dark box!  THANK YOU for ripping down the walls of that small box and showing me the beauty in the big world that has always surrounded me!  THANK YOU for helping me to learn to forgive!  THANK YOU for helping to build up my confidence so that I can share my journey with others and pay it forward! MOSTLY, THANK YOU for supporting me and loving me!

The moral of this long post is while you current situation may seem dim, dark and impossible, remember that if you can for a moment envision the future you want for yourself and your family, the stepping stones to that future will start to emerge for you to walk across!  Don't lose hope, always face the light!

I love you all!! Thank you for taking the time to read this!  I hope that it has brightened someones dark day!

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